Since 1940, Mathematical Reviews® (MR) has served researchers and scholars in mathematical sciences by providing timely information on peer-reviewed articles and books. MathSciNet®, the electronic version of MR, presents a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences literature, including:
From its first issue of 32 pages and 176 reviews, the publication has grown into the MathSciNet® database, which contains over 3 million total publications, almost 9 million citations, and a reviewer community numbering nearly 17,000 researchers.
MathSciNet provides other useful features for users:
Mathematics Subject Classification
Search the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) scheme. This scheme, developed by the two reviewing databases, Mathematical Reviews® and Zentralblatt MATH, is used by them to classify book and article listings.
Author and Institution IDs
For each author a separate "author-individual" record is maintained in the MR Database, containing each published name variant associated with an author, institutional affiliations, mathematical subject classifications assigned to the author-individual's papers, coauthors, and references to papers indexed in the MR Database.
You can search by the Institution ID for all publications by a specific institution.Citation Information
MathSciNet keeps track of how often an author, article, or journal is cited by others. This is referred to as the Mathematical Citation Quotient in this context.