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Using MathSciNet: Home

What is MathSciNet?

Since 1940, Mathematical Reviews® (MR) has served researchers and scholars in mathematical sciences by providing timely information on peer-reviewed articles and books. MathSciNet®, the electronic version of MR, presents a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences literature, including:

  • reviews written by a community of experts
  • bibliographic listings dating back to the early 1800s
  • links to articles, journals, and publishers
  • linked reference lists
  • citation information on articles, books, and journals


    From its first issue of 32 pages and 176 reviews, the publication has grown into the MathSciNet® database, which contains over 3 million total publications, almost 9 million citations, and a reviewer community numbering nearly 17,000 researchers.


Why use MathSciNet?

MathSciNet provides other useful features for users:

Mathematics Subject Classification

Search the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) scheme. This scheme, developed by the two reviewing databases, Mathematical Reviews® and Zentralblatt MATH, is used by them to classify book and article listings.

Author and Institution IDs

For each author a separate "author-individual" record is maintained in the MR Database, containing each published name variant associated with an author, institutional affiliations, mathematical subject classifications assigned to the author-individual's papers, coauthors, and references to papers indexed in the MR Database.

You can search by the Institution ID for all publications by a specific institution.

Citation Information 

MathSciNet keeps track of how often an author, article, or journal is cited by others. This is referred to as the Mathematical Citation Quotient in this context.



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