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History 498A: Gender & Sexuality in U.S. History

In Class Exercise: Instructions

Please divide yourself into five groups.

Each group has a subject for which you should find primary sources, and suggested strategies for locating second sources on that subject. Use at least one of the three strategies to find primary sources. Spend the most time on the strategy that is highlighted for your group.

After you have tried each of the three strategies, you will be asked to give a brief presentation to the class on what you found. Your presentation should include the following information:

  1. Identify the strategy you used.
  2. Describe the strategy: how well it worked, what you found, and so forth

Group 1: Nineteenth- and Twentieth Century Women's Diaries

Strategy 1: Ask Librarian

Strategy 2: Thematic Research Collections

Suggested digital collections for this topic:

Strategy 3: Subject Headings in the Catalog

  • American diaries.
  • Girls -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- Diaries.
  • Teenage girls -- Diaries.
  • Women -- United States -- Diaries.

Group 2: High School and University Women

Strategy 1: Ask Librarian

Strategy 2: Thematic Research Collections

Suggested digital collections for this topic:

Strategy 3: Subject Headings in the Library Catalog

  • High school girls
  • High school students
  • High school students -- United States -- Interviews
  • Women -- Education (Higher)

Strategy 4: Research Guides and Bibliographies

Group 3: Women of Color (Chinese, Indigenous, and African American)

Strategy 1: Ask Librarian

  • Cindy Ingold: Women's Studies Librarian; American Indian Studies Librarian; Asian American Studies Librarian.
  • Celestina Savonius-Wroth: History Librarian; African American Studies Librarian.

Strategy 2: Thematic Research Collections

Suggested collections for this topic:

Strategy 5: Encyclopedias

Group 4: Children's Literature

Strategy 1: Ask Librarian

  • Nancy O'Brien, Education Librarian and Curator of the Children's Literature Collection

Strategy 2: Thematic Research Collections

Suggested collections for this topic:

Strategy 4: Research Guides and Bibliographies

Group 5: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century LGBTQ History

Strategy 1: Ask Librarian

Strategy 2: Thematic Research Collection

Suggested collections for this topic:

Strategy 4: Research Guides

Strategy 5: Encyclopedias