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SciFinder-n User Guide: Use Restrictions

How to register and get help using SciFinder-n

Use Restrictions

PLEASE NOTE: You may not download more than 200 records daily from SciFinder. Our contract specifies the following rules of use:

  • Members of the Illinois community may make use of CAS data obtained as a result of SciFinder searches in the ordinary course of academic research and may store search results in electronic form, provided that at any one time, no more than 5,000 records are stored.
  • "Stored records must be deleted when they are no longer needed [by the user] for the relevant research project, or after completion of the [user's] degree program, whichever occurs first."

Commercial use of any kind is forbidden, as is any kind of transfer of data other than what is described here.
Violations of these rules will have their SciFinder account deleted.
SciFinder is not intended for use by walk-in visitors of the library who are not affiliated with the University of Illinois.  Exceptions will be made at the discretion of the Chemistry Library.

Chemistry Library Information

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Chemistry Library
170 Noyes Lab
505 Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-3737
Subjects: Chemistry