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University Library


History of Contagion in Europe: Home

A guide for researching the history of infectious diseases in Europe and their impact on European society.

About This Guide

This guide provides suggested resources for researching the history of contagion in Europe.  You will find recommended books held by the UIUC Library, relevant research databases, links to organizations and digitized primary sources, and more.  Please also check back soon for resources on the impact of additional communicable diseases such as smallpox, HIV/AIDS, and others.

This guide does not have current information on the COVID-19 pandemic.  For up-to-date information, please visit COVID-19 pages from the University, the State of Illinois, the CDC, or the WHO.

Books at UIUC

Please hover over book titles for descriptions.

Research Databases

Non-UIUC Links and Resources



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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501