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GLBL 220: Governance

Guide to the semester research project for this class, emphasizing case studies and research about international institutions

Human Rights

  • Human Rights Index The Human Rights Index for the Arab Countries, sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (UNDP-POGAR), is a repository for the entire set of United Nations documents pertaining to human rights and the responses, including reservations, by the Arab member states to the committees that monitor the core international human rights treaties.

Law, Military, and National Security

  • Military and Government Collection: Military and Government Collection identifies publications, research and content on military, security and governance issues worldwide from 1901 – present.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Bulletin: The flagship publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Published since 1959, the IAEA Bulletin features issues influencing the IAEA and global nuclear developments.

Understanding International Legal Systems

  • University of Richmond Constitution Finder - (now known as "Constitute") A great way to learn about a country's legal system is to look over its constitution. Search the constitution of any country in this handy tool from the University of Richmond.
  • List of National Legal Systems - Wikipedia - This helpful listing from Wikipedia can give you an overview of the legal system of a country.  This could be a jumping-off point to do more in-depth research on your country's system of laws and history.
  • CIA World Factbook - Legal System - This U.S. Government resource has a brief overview of types of legal systems and descriptions, as well as a country by country listing of legal systems.
  • Legal Systems Overview - Now that you've done some background searching about a specific country, you may need to make sense of some of the terminology. From Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute, this overview of legal systems can help to define some terms and concepts surrounding constitutions, laws, and legal systems around the world. 

Humanitarian Organizations

  • World Food Programme: The largest humanitarian agency fighting world hunger worldwide.
  • World Security Network: An independent global action network for foreign and defense affairs.
  • Human Rights Watch: An independent organization dedicated to protecting human rights.
  • USAID: USAID provides foreign aid.  The website provides information on its initiatives.
  • UN.GIFT - United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking, the largest and most public hub of the UN to work towards combating human trafficking.
  • Amnesty International - International, well-known human rights non-governmental organization with systems of tracking human trafficking and slavery, as well as assistance programs.

Human Rights Treaties

Books from the CGS Virtual Library
