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First Responder Resiliency Project: Home

This LibGuide brings together mental health resources relevant to fire fighters and first responders.

If you need immediate help:

988 is the national suicide and crisis lifeline. While not first-responder specific, they are one of the biggest mental health hotlines in the country and a founder reported to the Robert Irvine Foundation that many of their volunteers are or have been first-responders.

The previous hotline (1-888-731-FIRE (3473)) is reported by the National Volunteer Fire Council to have been discontinued. Its replacement is only open to members of the NVFC.

Key Resources for Help:

IFSI Library Lending Policies

Local Lending (Illinois Residents Only)

  • The checkout period is 4 weeks.
  • Extensions are considered individually.
  • Pick up requested materials at the library circulation desk.
  • Bring your photo ID to set up a lending account.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

  • The checkout period is 6 weeks.
  • IFSI can send materials directly to your local public library through Interlibrary Loan.
  • You must have a public library card.
  • It may take up to two weeks for items to arrive.

Search Our Catalog Here


This guide was produced by the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) library to bring together mental health resources that are relevant to fire fighters and first responders. On this page, you will find links and information about how to utilize IFSI Library resources as well as general lending polices. The subpages of this guide include information and resources regarding mental health, resiliency, critical incident stress management, and behavioral health. 

About the IFSI Library

The Illinois Fire Service Institute Library contains books, codes and standards, DVDs, CDs, periodicals, manuals, e-resources, audiobooks, and other fire emergency resources, totaling over 65,000 items. We serve all first responders in the state of Illinois. Materials can be requested in person, by phone or email, or online through our catalog. You can search our catalog by title, author, keyword, subject, or publisher, and choose the formats you want to see. Enter as few or as many search terms as you would like; the more search terms you use the fewer results you'll get, but the results will be more specific. If you live in Illinois and have a public library card, we can send materials to your public library via interlibrary loan. Anyone is also welcome to visit us in person!

IFSI Library Information

Library Hours:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday - Friday

Special operating hours may be held during events.

IFSI Library Website


IFSI Library Staff:

Lian Ruan, Head Librarian:

Diane Richardson, Reference & User Training Librarian:

David Ehrenhart, Assistant Director for Library Operations:


IFSI Library Facebook:

LibGuide created by Jillian Collier