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North Korean History Collection
력사 이야기 (Stories from History)
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North Korean History Collection
그림으로 본 조선 력사 (History of Chosŏn Through Pictures)
조국 해방 전쟁사 (War History of Homeland Liberation)
조선 고대사 연구 (Study of Ancient Korean History)
조선단대사 (History of Korea)
조선 력사 인물 (Historical Figures of Korea)
력사 이야기 (Stories from History)
조선 인민의 반침략 투쟁사 (The Korean People's History of Struggle Against Aggression )
조선통사 (The Synoptic History of Korea)
초기 조일 관계사 (North Korea - Japan Early Relations)
기타 (Etc.)
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library
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력사 이야기 Yŏksa iyagi (Stories From History)
력사이야기: 고대 및 삼국시기 편 v.1
Call Number: DS911.2 .Y938 2011
Publication Date: 2011
Yŏksa iyagi: Kodae mit Samguk sigi p'yon v.1
Stories From History: Ancient and Three Kingdoms Period v.1
력사이야기: 고대 및 삼국시기 편 v.2
Call Number: DS911.2 .Y938 2011
Publication Date: 2011
Yŏksa iyagi: Kodae mit Samguk sigi p'yon v.2
Stories From History: Ancient and Three Kingdoms Period v.2
Other North Korean Collections
North Korean Collection
North Korean Biography Collection
North Korean Juvenile Literature Collection
North Korean Literature Collection
North Korean Non-Fiction Collection
Speeches of North Korean Heads of State
조선 력사 인물 (Historical Figures of Korea)
조선 인민의 반침략 투쟁사 (The Korean People's History of Struggle Against Aggression ) >>