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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Exhibits at the Undergraduate Library 2014-2015 by Undergraduate Library Exhibits : Relieve Finals Stress--2014

This is the third libguide that highlights exhibits at the Undergraduate Library. The other two are for years 2009-2011 and 2012-2013


Relieve Finals Stress

  • Description: This exhibit highlights ways to reduce stress during Winter Finals at the Undergraduate Library.
  • Curators of Exhibit:  UGL Staff:  Paula Adams
  • Date: December 2014--January 2015
  • Youtube link to Animoto Montage:
  • Individual Pictures of the Exhibit are Below


A Closer Look at the Exhibit



A Closer Look at the Exhibit

Relieve Finals Stress--Whole Case Relieve Final Exam Stress--Title card


    Paula Adams

Tip--Avoid Stressful People Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers Tip--Try a few minutes of easy stretching
1,001 Ways to Relax Tip--Try deep breathing Managing Stress--Principles and Strategies for health and Well-being
Tip--Take breaks Jigsaw Puzzle Tip--Step outside
Managing Stress with Qigong Tip--Listen to a feel-good song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" Smart Student's Guide to Healthy Living--How to Survive Stress, Late Nights and the College Cafeteria
Tip--Jot down a lit of your five favorite things about life Bubble containers Tip--Draw
Healing Power of the Breath Tip--Burn some energy--go up and down the stairs a few times Miracles Now--(Table of Contents)
Tip--Do 10 jumping jacks K'Nex Tip--Get some fresh air